Spinningfields Manchester hosted the Manchester Duck Race in aid of local children’s charity Brainwave, on April 2nd 2010.  The GodelTech team supported the charity by purchasing a GodelTech sponsored duck which, after some cosmetic changes took part in a race of over 5000 sponsored ducks…..AND WON !!

The ducks were released at 2pm on Good Friday along the Spinningfields stretch of the River Irwell between Irwell Street Bridge and finishing at Albert Bridge.

Terry Bland, Managing Director of GodelTech commented:

“It was nice to be part of a fun atmosphere and to be contributing to a very worthy charity in Brainwave.  The fact that our duck won the race made it all the more enjoyable.”

The Manchester Evening News also featured our success in the duck race; view the article here

For more information on the Manchester Duck Race you can visit their website, to find out more about Brainwave please visit their website.

Please note that all ducks were plastic and were not harmed during the race.